You may be thinking...

A surrogate is most often screened based on the ASRM guidelines for surrogacy and any specific requirements that an agency has put in place to ensure the safety of all parties involved.

A surrogate does not have to live in the same city/state as her intended parent(s), agency or clinic. Travel arrangements will be made for clinic appointments, OBGYN care will be local to you, and your agency can support you remotely.

Reviewing medical records allows the agency and IVF clinic to have insight into your past pregnancy/delivery to determine if becoming a surrogate is a safe choice for you.

No, a surrogacy agency’s role in a surrogacy journey is to provide management services, facilitate professional arrangements, aid in communication between the IP(s), Surrogate, lawyers, insurance professionals, escrow company, and medical professionals throughout the journey.

No, the cost of the Gestational Carrier’s lawyer is paid by the Intended Parent(s).

In some cases, yes. If a surrogate has surrogacy friendly insurance, she can use it, and her premiums will be paid by the Intended Parent(s) throughout the duration of the pregnancy. Her insurance explanation of benefits will be reviewed by a professional before the decision is made to use her policy or to purchase a surrogacy friendly policy for the journey.

An embryo transfer refers to a step in the process of assisted reproduction in which embryos are placed into the uterus of a female with the intent to establish a pregnancy.

A Gestational Carrier’s base compensation should begin after confirmation of a fetal heartbeat. In some cases, a surrogate is eligible for certain bonuses after legal clearance.

For the safety of the pregnancy, the surrogate  herself, and the unborn child, any adult living in the home must consent to a background screening to pursue a surrogacy journey. If the surrogate has a partner with whom she is sexually active with, they must undergo an STD screening, this is an FDA regulation.